CHILDREN'S MINISTRY DIRECTOR (Part-Time or bi-vocational)
The Children’s Ministry Director position is a part-time or bi-vocational position. This person will lead all aspects of Children’s Ministry (Birth - 6th grade) under the direction of the Senior Pastor. Responsibilities include but are not limited to leading Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening discipleship classes; recruit, train, and retain volunteers; choosing curriculum that aligns with the church’s overall purpose and vision; train teachers to use the curriculum; form good relationships with parents; oversee Children’s Church; prepare an annual budget for the needs of the children’s ministry for recommendation to the stewardship team. You will also be responsible for leading major events such as VBS and summer camp.
Other responsibilities will include attending staff meetings (if possible in a bi-vocational situation), attending all regular worship services and special services (as directed), working alongside and giving leadership to our Children’s Ministry Committee, and assisting other staff members in churchwide events when needed.
The candidate must be a Christian and hold the values and standards of Camellia Baptist Church, fully affirming the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000.
Status: Part-Time or Bi-Vocational
Hours: Part-Time 20 Hours/week + attendance at church events
Bi-Vocational - Hours will be discussed
Send Resumes to: office@cbcprattville.org